KWRD Press Releases and News Content
Notice of KWRD Magazine Article
(Posted November 21, 2024)
Notice of KWRD Magazine Article - All Ideas Welcome (Treatment Plant Operator Magazine)
The Kishwaukee Water Reclamation District was featured in Treatment Plant Operator (TPO) Magazine in an article detailing the District's approach to change, innovation, and process adaptations. The article covers topics such as: energy efficiency, process changes, staff dialogues, environmental initiatives, and treatment improvements.
To view the TPO magazine article, click below:
Notice of KWRD News Article
(Posted April 25, 2022)
Notice of KWRD News Article - Proper Grease Disposal
The Kishwaukee Water Reclamation District was featured in a DeKalb Citizens' Environmental Commission article detailing proper grease disposal. Proper disposal of cooking oil and grease is important for maintaining private and public sewer lines and avoiding damage to public infrastructure and the environment.
For more information on how to protect your home and the environment from grease buildups, click the button below:
Notice of Press Release
(Posted April 25, 2022)
Notice of Press Release - KWRD Turns Sewage Into Electricity
The Kishwaukee Water Reclamation District has made strides towards energy neutrality and self-reliance by incorporating on-site power generation into regular facility operations. Through the use of Combined-Heat-and-Power (CHP) generators, KWRD is capable of capturing and refining biogas that is generated through the wastewater treatment process, thus creating renewable energy.
For more information on how KWRD is at the cutting edge of environmental initiatives, click the button below:
Notice of Press Release
(Posted April 15, 2022)
Notice of Press Release - IEPA Director Praises KWRD
On April 8th, the Kishwaukee Water Reclamation District (KWRD) received a visit from Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) Director Dr. John Kim. Dr. Kim toured the facility before presiding over a groundbreaking ceremony that signaled the beginning of a sewer extension project allowing the nearby Village of Malta and Kishwaukee College to be served by KWRD. The project will present major financial savings for the Village and the College and will improve regional environmental protections.
To view this press release, click the button below:
Notice of Press Release
(Posted April 8, 2022)
Notice of Press Release - KWRD Partnership Reduces Pollution and Saves Communities Millions
The Kishwaukee Water Reclamation District (KWRD), Village of Malta, and Kishwaukee College have recently taken steps to improve economical and environmental collection and treatment of wastewater. These organizations have partnered to extend KWRD sewer treatment services to the two communities via construction of a new sewer line, thus helping to take financial burdens off of Malta and Kish College, while taking advantage of the more sophisticated KWRD water reclamation facility.
The full press release can be viewed by clicking the button below:
Notice of KWRD News Article
(Posted January 5, 2022)
Notice of KWRD News Article - KWRD Offers Free Electric Vehicle Charging
A news article was recently posted regarding the District's public-use electric vehicle charging stations. This article was featured by the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce website and describes how the District currently has six EV charging stations in their Administrative building public parking lot that are available for free use by interested drivers.
The full news article can be viewed by clicking the button below:
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